Inmate Medical Claims SaverCRS’ INMATE MEDICAL CLAIMS SAVER service allows jails of all sizes to piggyback off of CRS’ network of discounts. While these discounts are an integral part of this service, CRS also ensures your jail is ONLY paying bills that you are financially responsible for. Pair all of this with 24/7 access to this data and your jail will be armed with the tools necessary to further reduce future inmate medical expenses.

Determine if Medical Treatment Was Actually Delivered and Coded Correctly
- Our Claims Analysts visually screen your bills for overcharges or any amount that looks out of the ordinary.
- The inmate’s medical bills are then scanned into a high-tech computer program which compares CPT (procedural) vs. ICD-9 (diagnosis) codes to make sure codes correspond.
- We will contest any inaccurate charges prior to payment from county.
- Coding error example 1: Physician orders a CT-Scan for the following day. The order has been rescinded but the billing office has already entered the charge. The charge is never credited.
- Coding error example 2: Physician orders a series of X-Rays for both arms and coding was for a broken neck.
- What good is a discount on a charge that is inaccurate?
Provide Hospital and Physician Discounts
- Allow county to utilize our National PPO network discounts.
- Our PPO network is the nation’s oldest and largest supplier of independent, network-based cost management solutions with more than 500,000 providers under contract.
- Provide per diem discounts where available.
- Negotiate quick pay discounts from providers.
- Work independently with providers to negotiate discounts.

Help Coordinate Payment from Private Medical Insurance Company
- If a pre-trial felon or misdemeanant carries medical insurance through a private provider, that medical insurance company could be liable to pay for medical expenses while inmate is incarcerated.
- At intake, jail staff should check belongings such as:
Medical ID cards
Prescription drug bottles
Paycheck indicating deduction for medical insurance - Inmate could be COBRA eligible.
- If a jail or CRS determines an inmate does carry their own private medical insurance, CRS will work with the insurance carrier to pay all eligible charges.
Prepare Checks To Be Sent To Providers
- CRS will invoice county jail for total amount plus any administration fees.
- County jail pays CRS total invoice amount.
- CRS will write and send all checks to all medical providers.

Produce Detailed Claims Reports – Paper and Electronic Storage
- All original medical bills will be sent to county for paper storage purposes.
- CRS will electronically archive all billing information for easy and quick access.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does the Inmate Medical Claims Saver service cost?
There are no start-up, monthly or annual fees. Instead, CRS keeps only a percentage of savings, meaning if money isn’t saved, no fee is earned!
Will our county jail be locked into a long-term contract with CRS?
No. The advantage of doing business with CRS is that we only ask for 30 day’s notice of termination.
Can our county choose ONLY the Inmate Medical Claims Saver service?
Yes. In fact, many of our county jail customers ONLY have our Inmate Medical Claims Saver service.