Savings Examples
Real Examples + Real Dollars = Savings Made SimpleOur proprietary Inmate Medical Budget Protector is an insurance policy designed to protect a Jail’s budget against costly and catastrophic inmate medical expenses.

Inmate Medical Claims Saver Examples
Tennessee County: Claims since 10/1/2005:
230: County Inmate Population
3,447: Bills received and opened by CRS on behalf of county
202: Number of letters CRS sent back to medical providers notifying not county’s responsibility
3,245: Number of medical bills processed and invoiced
$3,732,098.86: Total dollar amount of accepted charges by county
$2,621,017.85: Total dollar amount paid by county
Arkansas County: Claims since 1/1/2006:
900: County Inmate Population
7,104: Bills received and opened by CRS on behalf of county
1,287: Number of letters CRS sent back to medical providers notifying not county’s responsibility
5,817: Number of medical bills processed and invoiced
$5,005,426.87: Total dollar amount of accepted charges by county
$3,438,858.02: Total dollar amount paid by county
Inmate Medical Budget Protector Examples
Tennessee County: 60 inmates
$253,783 (total of 2 inmate medical claims)
– $54,504: CRS savings through negotiations = $199,279
– $20,000 deductible ($10,000 per inmate)
= $179,279 reimbursement check to County!
Georgia City: 20 inmates
$123,986.37: Total Inmate Medical Claim
– $14,991.26: CRS savings through negotiations = $108,995.11
-$10,000 deductible